Sunday, December 9, 2007

Last Blog for Class

The semester has come to an end, which means this is the blog I have to write. After taking RCS 362, it has opened my eyes to the marketing world. I notice advertisments everywhere now and how successful I think they may be. When I watch TV I dont just flip to ignore the commercials, I actually pay attention to the commercials. I now have favorite commercials that I think the retailer or whom ever did it, did an amazing job. Of course I also notice those commercials where you sit there and you think what the heck where they thinking? When I go into a public restroom I now take a noticing to the bathroom advertising. When I'm driving around I see the billboards I normally wouldn't even think twice about. It's crazy what one class will get you seeing! I've enjoyed the discussion in this class and have definetly gained something from this class!

Thank you!

By: Katie Sasser

Holiday Commercial

Commercials around the holidays are always so unique and entertaining. I thought about this recently when I have been sitting around watching TV and seeing all the new christmas commercials. Mainly they are store advertisements, but thats when they really come out with good ideas. Maybe I am partial to the christmas themed commercials because I love christmas time. My personal favorites this year are the macy's commercial and the jcpenny commercial.

Macy's Commercial

The Macy's commercial is different from their competitors because they showcase all the brands they sell by using the designers in there commercials. The interaction between them is awesome.

Click on the link to see the commercial

The JCPenny Commercial I like because of the song. It is a very catchy song which i like about commercials. Also the storyline of the commercial is sweet because each person loses a gift, but then magically is given a new, better gift that they love and of course the new gift you can find at JCPenny!

By: Katie Sasser

Monday, December 3, 2007

NY Times and BBC

The New York Times website is my homepage. Every time I log open Firefox I see the top headlines updated every 10 -20 minutes or so. Clearly, this is my preferred news site. Visting the BBC home website was a very similar experience to navigating However, being a visual person, I decide which site is for me according to the layout of the page. I also look for easy navigation and quick links to topics that I am interested in. On the NY Times website you don't have to scroll down to browse the different sections of the paper, they are located at the left of the screen waiting to be explored. On the BBC website you have to scroll down and decipher which of the blue boxes you need to be looking in. Overall BBC feels like a corporation website and NY Times feels more like a news source. I also enjoy the media on the New York Times website. It gives you a quick peek into the story and a alternative method to information rather than reading EVERYTHING. BBC is a bunch of hyperlinked words strung together with commas and divided into multiple faded blue boxes that run together.
Both sources display headlines and top stories but I think NY Times wins hands down.

By: Lauren Wright

Saturday, December 1, 2007

BBC and The New York Times

After looking at both the BBC website and The New York Times website, I saw quite a few similarities but some differences too. They both broadcast the top stories big so that everyone can see it. The New York Times post many different articles throughout the website with some sort of description with it. I think by doing this they have made the website very cluttered and it is hard to notice everything and it makes it hard if you are looking for something particular. The BBC website has a few articles on the main page but they have a sidebar on the left with different categories. I liked the neatness of the BBC website compared to the NY Times. I'm all for less clutter!

By: Katie Sasser

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bars, Beers, Bathrooms, and Advertisments

I noticed lately that everytime I go to a bar, and then I go into the bathroom there is an adverisement on the back of the stall door. Before this class, I never noticed or paid any attention to any type of advertisement. But now I've become very aware of commercials, billboards, and any other form of advertisment. I sit there and figure out if I like it or not and if I dont what is wrong with it.

Well since recently turning 21 in August combined with taking RCS-362, I now seem to always see the bathroom advertising and I think it is a great way to advertise! When you go to a bar, you are most likely going to do some drinking. Drinking more and more is going to make you go to the bathroom more often. So when you go so much, you are bound to notice the advertisment on the back of the door and read it every single time you go. In my opinion I definetly think that this is a great way to get more people to know about your business, and i have seen that it is becoming more and more popular.

By: Katie Sasser

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Yahoo! Avatars Part 2

I had never heard of Yahoo! Avatars before this assignment and I think they are pretty cool. I like all the options you can do with them like different faces, hair, clothes, backgrounds, and extra things to make it your own. I sat there for like an hour just playing around with different options. I first made one that was just an everyday me, but that was boring so I got fun with it! My avatar turned out in a brown dress, the background was a red carpet and a limo, and I had two penguins hanging out with me! haha! I think that Yahoo did a good job with these but if they are trying to appeal more to a younger adult crowd then they defintely need to come up with some more clothes that are fashionable because in that area they really didnt have anything that's why I ended up choosing something crazy. Also i think we should be able to pick out the shoes because I notice that when I choose an outfit I didnt like the shoes that went with it but couldnt change it. Another thing I thought should be different was with putting on the hats you had to have the short brown hair and i wanted to have a hat with the hair i chose. Oh well! Just a few suggestions, but other than that I think they are fun little things!

By: Katie Sasser

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Yahoo Avataars

I did not have a Yahoo account previous to this assignment. After creating one, I created an Avataar. These miniature images are a fun way to waste time. You can customize your own to look identical to yourself or anyone. You can dress them in practically anything including cultural dress and active wear. There are options to place them in different background settings with multiple accessories and add-ons. The Avataar is a fun creation that you can play with to be as creative and expressive as you want. These little customizations are becoming hugely popular. I first saw them with AIM and the WeeMee world. Then when Nintendo came out with the Wii, they had Miis, which you can practically create your own network of players and teams. The level of detail involved in creating these people is amazing. From face shape to multiple colored highlights in hair to the distance from your beauty mark to your nose and the size of that beauty mark. The options are practically limitless. Avataars are a great way to personalize the online experience and really make it YOUR homepage. I love the little guys :)Here's my creation.
Yahoo! Avatars