Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bars, Beers, Bathrooms, and Advertisments

I noticed lately that everytime I go to a bar, and then I go into the bathroom there is an adverisement on the back of the stall door. Before this class, I never noticed or paid any attention to any type of advertisement. But now I've become very aware of commercials, billboards, and any other form of advertisment. I sit there and figure out if I like it or not and if I dont what is wrong with it.

Well since recently turning 21 in August combined with taking RCS-362, I now seem to always see the bathroom advertising and I think it is a great way to advertise! When you go to a bar, you are most likely going to do some drinking. Drinking more and more is going to make you go to the bathroom more often. So when you go so much, you are bound to notice the advertisment on the back of the door and read it every single time you go. In my opinion I definetly think that this is a great way to get more people to know about your business, and i have seen that it is becoming more and more popular.

By: Katie Sasser