Thursday, September 20, 2007

Energizer goes Pink

Today in class we started talking about how brands use colors as a way to advertise their product to a certain target market. Well it got me thinking about if i had ever been a "victim" to buying a product because its a new, pretty color and i remembered a certain product that got me.

About a year ago I noticed that suddenly energizer batteries went pink.
I was walking down the aisle at Target and those darn pink batteries caught my eye and i was amazed. I mean who would have thought PINK BATTERIES, of course I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I purchased those batteries that day and only bought them simply because they were pink. But the thing about these batteries i later realized was why they were pink. Energizer had joined forces with the the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation so when ever someone purchased a pack of these pink batteries they were supporting breast cancer. I think this type of advertising is a step forward for companies. Not only does this give more money into Energizer's pockets, but it supports a very important and relevant cause in our society. Who would have thought that my purchasing something as simple as batteries because they were pink would turn into donating money to a breast cancer foundation!

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By: Katie Sasser